Monday, February 1, 2010

Before and After Pictures

Everyone has that photo, the one where you go, “Oh my God, I cannot possibly be that fat, I don’t feel that fat.” The one when you know you need help, more than any diet, exercise, or joining a gym can give you. This is my photo, it is Christmas 2006 and I am standing with my sisters and my sister in-law. Of course they made me crop them out, but you can see what I looked like before my weight loss.

My after picture was a gift from a friend of mine, a glamour shots session. She gave it to me for my 40th birthday and I never used it until I started this blog. In October of 2009, I went in for my session and really just had fun. I already knew I would hate every photo because I hate photos of myself, so consider my sharing here a gift because I really do not like to “put myself out there” so to speak.

My third photo, another photo where you go “what the heck was I thinking dying my hair blonde, am I nuts?” This photo I found on my dad’s camera and I think it is so funny I have to share it. This photo was taken again, at Christmas in 2003. Christmas is usually the only time I will take a photo. I wanted to share the physical difference the weight loss shows in my face.


  1. I am thinking of weight loss surgery for myself. However, I am terrified of becoming an empty bag of flapping skin. Is your skin shrinking with you?

  2. Karen, you have to decide what is more important for your health. I am not an expert in weight loss surgery. You an click the link to Dr. Dirk and ask him directly online. He will answer you. Skin is the largest organ you body has. It grows, so it does not shrink back. I am healthy, I have more energy, I workout everyday for 45 minutes everyday. I can go ALL DAY long and not need to sit down because I am tired. For me that trade off is worth any amount of hanging skin. But to answer your question directly, my arms are the worst part of my body, I have the most skin there and it is impossible to tell until I am closer to my goal weight what my body will look like. The rest of my body; tummy, legs, neck etc.....are fine, I feel very very fortunate. The trade off is so worth it for me.


  3. Robin, thanks for answering and for pointing out what's really important!
