Everyday I drag myself off to the gym. I usually go about 10 in the morning right after my pot of coffee, or my indulgence in Starbucks. Instead of taking a lunch hour, I take a morning workout hour and eat a small lunch at my desk at noon instead of going out to lunch or eating in our cafeteria. It is a plan that works for me. I know I am not motivated enough to go before or after work, so I had to find something that worked for me.
I have been working out daily for about 15 months. I started walking in my regular clothes for 15 minutes and I could barely do that. I gradually worked up a little each day adding a minute until I got to 30 minutes. Then I started to change into gym clothes and workout as long as I could. I would even go twice a day. Morning and afternoon for 15 minutes each session, then up to 20 until I got to 45 minutes. So now, I go everyday for 45 minutes of straight cardio, and I love it. I never thought I would ever utter those words, but I do. I have more energy, more drive, I hardly ever get sick, and I just want to go in there get it done, and move on.
I discovered that after a year on the treadmill and watching Ellen every day at ten, that my weight had plateaued and that I do not work out as well when I watch the LCD in the gym.
So with the help of the Nazi trainer here at work, I started the Elliptical and the Arc machines. The trainer actually stood there and watched me, or shall I say, made me do at least 2 minutes on the Elliptical before she would leave. Then it was ON! I had to build myself up each day. I started at 2 minutes and gradually worked five minutes longer each day until I got to 30 minutes, then 45.
I started to bring my Ipod to the gym and discovered that I work out harder, faster, and longer if I listen to music rather than watching TV. I now share my workout list with other people in the gym. The faster the music the harder I work. I try and get my heart rate up into the 150's and as I get stronger and more aerobically fit, it becomes harder to do.
So, each week I try and increase my incline and my resistance so I can achieve my cardio workout for 45 minutes every day. Check out my play list...
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